Why music lessons are essential for your child

Music lessons are not just an after-school or extracurricular activity that you should consider for your child. In fact, we have explored the state of music education in American public schools, gaining insight on the concept of a well-rounded education from the perspective of music teachers, and why third-party resources such as fundraising proved to be essential to enriching music programs in schools. These efforts show the importance of having every child take music lessons.

Here are five reasons why:

1. Improves long-term cognitive development.

Various studies have shown positive, long-term benefits of taking music lessons to a childs IQ (higher IQ as per a University of Toronto study), testing higher on the SAT (reported by the College Entrance Examination Board), and better memory (according to Laurel Trainor, Professor of Psychology, Neuroscience and Behavior at McMaster University) compare to their peers who haven't taken lessons. Many high achievers have also played at least one music instrument in their life, including Nobel Prize winners and former U.S. presidents

2. Builds self-esteem.

A study published in the Psychology of Music have documented and investigated the effects of piano instruction on the self-esteem of children who took it for three years. The research found that the children who completed piano instruction had a significant increase in self-esteem, while the children who did not participate in or dropped out of piano instruction did not.

3. Develops self-discipline.

Children who take music lessons for one instrument, let alone two or more, learn how to structure their time at a young age. With a very capable and trained teacher, they will be able to make the most out of their time and their activities better and more efficiently. But most of all, they will learn the value of having fun and creativity with hard work.

4. Inspires joy and creativity.
Learning music is one of the best things possible! It teaches children the value of hard work and at the same time provides them with the outlet and tools to express themselves.

5. Reduces stress.
While stress might not be considered as a common concern for youngsters, it helps children both on a short- and long-term basis. According to an article ran by U.S. Today, music has been shown to reduce stress by triggering biochemical stress reducers that allow us to relax and be soothed.

Live Music Tutor offers the best music guidance and instruction to your child anytime, anywhere! We have highly experienced and qualified music instructors who can guide them through this exciting chapter in your music journey! Head on to our website to learn more.


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